Audio – Video – Podcasts Oh My! Insights on Getting Started with Kay Suthar, Make Your Mark Agency
Welcome to the Make It Happen Podcast, brought to you by Strategies for Small Businesses.
Podcasts Podcasts Podcasts… are you ready? We are going to have an amazing guest today. Her name is Kay and she is a good friend of mine that I've met through my entrepreneurial journey. No, that was not easy to say. And she is amazing working with people in their podcasts and getting them through certain different hurdles along with getting them prepped to publish their podcasts.
I asked Kay to share more about herself and the one key thing that inspired her to start her podcast business and she let us know:
I'm super super excited to be here Now to answer your question Honestly, it was a mixture of different things that happened by accident... I didn't ever have the intention to build a podcast agency. But, there were two things. Number one, I wanted to be famous, right? As weird and kind of typical as that sounds, I did want to be famous!
And then the second thing was when I started speaking at events and to potential clients... They would turn around and say, "Wow you have done so much with your podcast, I see you everywhere." And at that point I was like, Oh my goodness. Yes. They want to work with me. They want to hire me. They would refer to me as the world's best kept secret. My heart was full and at the same time, my face dropped because I was realizing... Hold on. I'm not trying to build a business to be a secret! Right. I want to be known everywhere. I want to be famous. Like what's going on here. And then it was during lockdown. When I was like, Okay, somebody's got to change here. But at that point, nothing was happening. Everything was on lockdown.

Everything was closed off from face to face, in person, meetings/gatherings/events. I've got to do something. I can't just go silent. And then I was like, okay, let me try this whole podcast and marketing myself. People are talking about it. I'm listening to it. Like, let me see how this goes. And so I decided, let me try and set up being a guest on podcasts first and see how that goes.
In the beginning, nobody would have me on their show. I wouldn't even get a no, like I just wouldn't get no responses at all. Just crickets. I sat back and I told myself, well, what's going on here? Cause I know people are getting on podcasts. Why can't I get on anything? And then I kind of tweaked and strategized for about two to three months.
And then I got booked on a hundred podcasts in 60 days, which was completely possible then, cause we're all stuck at home doing nothing anyway, right? So I was quite happy going on one podcast and another and another, It was pretty easy, but then the podcasters were turning around and saying to me, what's the name of your podcast?
Oh, darn it. I don't have one. Okay. Let me go create one. I managed to create a podcast in 14 days. Right. And at that point people were like, hold on a second. You're everywhere. What's going on? Like we see you on these different podcasts. Now you have your own podcast. You did it in 14 days. How are you doing this?
At that point I was like, oh, people need to know how to do this and be educated on it. And that's where the podcast agency came from, the Make Your Mark Agency. Right, so that's how it all came about. Now, all of a sudden, I'm everywhere, and I'm loving it, and yes, fame! I achieved my goal! AND my passion is helping others achieve theirs!

I invite you to go over to and download the Branding and Purpose Checklist. This will help you work through the questions you need to answer and really helps you have a focused dive into all of your Branding.
If you have any questions, remember we're always here for you. Just utilize the question button on the website and will get back to you.
Thank you
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I love her story, and I shared a little of mine with her... You see, you're talking to a California girl, that, you know, Hollywood and all that stuff and I worked in Animation/Entertainment for 20 years, so, wanting to be famous, I totally get that dream. A lot of people/entrepreneurs have the "I want everyone to know about me" dream, the difference is you made it happen. I mean, you wanted it, you might want to say, well, I'm not famous, but you are because girl, you are everywhere. Even today, I see you everywhere. And I love it because one of the best things is you don't let an obstacle stop you. I mean, since we've met and we've been friends for over a year now and we're secretly in each other's business, kind of poking around in things, you don't let something stop you. And what you just talked about was tribute to that.
You wanted something, you went after it, this happened, you got no's, you didn't give up. You didn't give up. And that's, It's not typical and you didn't look at it as a negative, you looked at it as a challenge that you then jumped in head first. And starting your own podcast in 14 days, you know what you're talking about when you advise people who come to work with you.
I continued asking her... so when you say 14 days, what all do you count got completed in that 14 days.... Concept, design and recording one episode or was it even more than that? Kay responded

I'm not saying that it was a perfect podcast. Not at all, right? I was literally winging it. And it was not until more time went by that I started making tweaks and changes and fine tuned how it should work. I started seeing things that I shouldn't have been doing and all of this and so I got it out there in 14 days with a "starting" mentality and took it from there and it evolved to the successful podcast I have today.
I advise people to just put something out there. Look, I didn't even have my face on mine. My branding was completely different. The name was different like everything was completely different. I had to START somewhere so I recorded something like three or four episodes. I just put it out there and I was like, let's just see how this goes and I'll just work the rest of it out. So as I put things out there and I said to myself, oh This person noticed and this person noticed and oh now this person's asking me about how I did all of this.
Okay, let's just keep going. In the beginning, I was just doing guest episodes where I interviewed them. I would just ask people to come on my show and I could interview them. Very similar to what we are doing right now. I found that it was easier to get me started and some episodes recorded and content for my show because at that point I didn't really have any products or anything to sell…
I was determined and I was ready! I did my first episode and said, OK, let's get this podcast out. Once I started interviewing people, not only the people I interviewed but ones that were seeing me take action started asking me, how could I do this for them? And, and that's where the agency came from because I started doing it myself and then people were asking me how I did it and I became a person of influence!

Out of the need of others, I had things to sell. Just remember when I started, my goal and purpose was just about networking and bringing other guests on and building my network. In addition to building my audience, it also how I've built my professional network, built my email list. Also it brought me loads of friendships and relationships where people are now partnering with me, JVing, collaborations, affiliates.
And that's important. One of the things that I'm a true advocate for is don't wait for it to be perfect because it will never be perfect. I mean, it's like people saying, I'm waiting to have children until I can afford it. You will never be able to afford it. I promise you, starting over by adopting baby 4 years ago who is already eating like she's a 13 year old, you'll never be able to afford it. But It's fear entrepreneurs have where they put off starting things and they stop in their tracks. That is what we both look to help them push through and DO IT. Look, you did it, going back to you not letting it stop you. Let me put it out there because we can always make it better, just start it - touch the program that you fear and do it. I encourage people when they're working with me. Touch it. Push the button. You won't break the program. You may not love it, but you can change it the next time. It's okay if you sent an email and you forgot to put their name in it. Just don't let it stop you. And I totally commend you for not waiting for it to be perfect and I value that in you. I know, you get people to take action and you walked that walk yourself.
It was a journey. Let me put it that way. And my episodes in the beginning, like I was an awful host. I thought all I had to do was smile. And it was a creepy smile. That's all I did while the guest spoke, right? And I was like, I've gone back looking at them like, Oh my God, this is so creepy and it's so robotic, right?
What a great chat with Kay…. to hear more about her first episodes, her mistakes, AND how great it is now… Listen in or watch the video.
AND Register for her upcoming Challenge - working with her is AMAZING!
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